Setup a Databricks project


  • The user must have a Databricks account provisioned on 5X.

  • The Databricks cluster must be running on the user’s workspace when setting up a project.

  • The user has 5X Managed dbt Core™ access enabled.

Databricks project setup

To set up a Databricks project, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose a connection: Select Databricks as your warehouse connection and click Next.

  1. Configure your environment: Enter the warehouse connection details to configure the default deployment environment and the required deployment credentials. Click Next.

You can access the required metrics from the Databricks workspace where you can set up the default deployment environment for the Databricks connection.

Refer to Set up and manage dbt Projects for the next steps. Once your Databricks connection is set up, you can begin working on Console by creating your development environment.


Environment connection supports the following parameters:

ParameterDescription Identifier

Server Hostname

The server hostname of Databricks account.


The HTTP path of the Databricks cluster or SQL warehouse.



The Databricks catalog name.



The Databricks personal access token for deployment credentials.



Databricks schema name for deployment credentials.


Last updated