Create a Job

To create a Job on 5X Managed dbt Core™, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Jobs page on 5X Managed dbt Core™. Click Create Job dropdown at the end of the Current Jobs tab to select the job type.

5X Managed dbt Core™ supports Deploy Job and CI Job types.

Deploy Job

Deploy Job type enables users to create Jobs and run or schedule as required on the selected deployment or development environment.

  1. Select Deploy Job from the Create Job dropdown.

  1. Enter the Job name and click Next.

  1. Enter the environment details where the new Job will run and click Next.

  • Environment: Users can select from the production environments created for the project.

  • Threads: Threads represent the number of concurrent models that can be executed simultaneously. More threads can potentially speed up the execution of the job, we recommend using 2 threads to get started, but the optimal number depends on factors like the available resources and the complexity of the transformations.

  • Target Name: Specify the target name to which the Job will deploy the transformed data. Using default will deploy the data to the default target configured in the dbt project. Targets specify the connection details for the data warehouse where the transformed data will be deployed.

  1. Set up the commands and triggers for the Job and click Save.

  • Commands: Click Add Command to add dbt commands executed when there is a Job Run.

  • Triggers: Configure when and how dbt should trigger the job. Enable triggers for the Job based on the configured schedule and time.

Scheduled Job

A scheduled Job runs when the trigger alerts it following the defined job schedule frequency. The trigger runs the Job on specific days of the week for the selected/custom time intervals.

  • Schedule Days: Select this option when you want to schedule the job frequency for select days of the week and how often your job runs in hours. For custom time intervals, you can enter a comma-separated list of hours (in UTC) when you want the job to run (e.g. '0,12,23' for midnight, noon, and 11 pm UTC.)

Example: The above Job is scheduled to trigger the dbt run command every Sunday and Wednesday from midnight UTC in two-hour intervals throughout those days.

  • Enter custom cron schedule (UTC): Use this option when you want to run the job frequency schedule at custom intervals by specifying in the Cron format. Use this format to customize the trigger using the Cron expression (UTC).

The expression follows a Unix-cron string format (* * * * * ) and specifies the schedule by the minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week. A custom Cron is set for triggers where the Job needs to run complex schedules.

A Cron expression field represents:

  1. Minute (0 - 59)

  2. Hour (0 - 23)

  3. Day of the Month (1 - 31)

  4. Month (1 - 12 or names: Jan, Feb, ..., Dec)

  5. Day of the Week (0 - 6 or names: Sun, Mon, ..., Sat)

Example: The cron expression 0 10 15 * * translates to:

  • Minute: 0

  • Hour: 10

  • Day of the Month: 15th

  • Month: Any

  • Day of the Week: Any

This cron job will execute at 10:00 AM (UTC) on the 15th day of every month.

  1. Once the newly created Job is saved, you can view it from the Current Jobs tab. Click on the Job to view its details.

Last updated