🥗Add Integrations to your stack

5X is the first end-to-end data platform that gives you the flexibility and choice to select best in class vendors across the modern data stack. You can compare, shop and add vendors to your stack at any time. There are 2 ways to add an integration (i.e. vendor) to your data stack:

  1. Provisioned by 5X: 5X creates and provisions the vendor for you

  2. Bring Your Own Vendor (BYOV): if you already have an account, you can bring your own vendor to the 5X platform.

🐾 How To Add/Delete Integrations to Your Stack?

You can add and delete integrations at any time after you have created your stack.

1. Go to the “Integrations” tab.

2. Browse available integrations via the Use Case Explorer or compare vendors in the relevant category.

3. Choose the use case you're trying to set up vendors for.

4. Evaluate vendors based on your criteria.

5. To add a vendor you like, click 'Add Vendor'.

  • If you don’t have the vendor account, select Provision new account from 5X to create a new vendor account provisioned by 5X

  • If you already have the vendor account, select Bring my own account and follow the instructions to bring your existing account. Bring Your Own Vendor (BYOV) form will need you to provide an access token or create dedicated users, which varies based on vendors.

6. If you want to remove a vendor from your stack, go to explore and delete the vendor from the My Vendors section.

Last updated