March 11

New Features

Modify 5X workspace Billing Details

With this release, admins can add and modify their 5X workspace Billing Details. The enhancement allows admins to customize their billing emails and addresses. Here are the following updates:

  1. Modify and add emails:

    1. You can update your Primary Email and Secondary Email(s) on the Emails tab.

  2. Modify billing address details: Switch to the Address tab to edit and modify your billing address details.

  3. Click on Update Billing Details to apply your billing changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the update and revert to the previous billing details.


Streamlined Pull Request management on dbt Core Console

dbt Core Console now offers one-click pull request management for improved file version control and user experience. The enhancement helps users open pull requests when they do not want to push changes to the main branch directly.

Users can perform the following actions:

  • Access Version Control dropdown: Navigate to the Version Control tab on dbt Core Console. The version control displays the file version control dropdown.

  • Commit and Sync all modified changes: Push changes to the remote repo by clicking Commit and Sync to commit and sync all modified file changes.

File Version Control enhancements in dbt Core Console

dbt Core Console now allows users to commit and sync file changes, and revert specific file changes. The enhancement allows dbt Core users to manage files having multiple modified changes with Version Control capabilities per file.

  • Navigate to Version Control on the dbt Core Console. The Version Control tab displays a list of modified changes to your files.

dbt Core v1.7 support for dbt Jobs and Terminal

With this release, 5X dbt Core now fully supports version 1.7 of dbt for both Jobs and Terminal functionalities. Users can leverage the stability and enhancements of dbt v1.7 seamlessly within the dbt Core environment.

Abort running dbt command from dbt Core Terminal

With this release, users can cancel a running command on the dbt Core Terminal to enhance flexibility when executing commands. To abort a running dbt command, click Abort to the right of the System log on to the Terminal.

Last updated