Integrations marketplace

The Integrations marketplace hosts all 5X supported data vendors. Users can perform the following actions:

  • Explore vendors based on vendor category or data platform needs.

  • Admin users can provision required vendors based on their data platform needs or onboard their own vendor account using BYOV (Bring Your Own Vendor.)


The Integrations page lands on Explore by default. The Explore tab lists the current vendors added to your platform under My Vendors.


Only Admins can add or delete vendor integrations from their 5X platform. Refer to Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to learn about admin roles and permissions.

Users can perform the following actions on the Explore tab:

  1. View the vendor integrations added to your workspace from My Vendors.

  1. Explore the vendor categories from Categories on the left on Explore.

Click on the required vendor category to explore the supported 5X vendors and add vendors as needed. Refer to Explore Categories to learn about vendor categories.

  1. Users can also explore vendors based on your data platform needs and use cases. Navigate vendors from Explore vendors based on your needs below My Vendors.

The sections define the required data tool for the respective use case and how to navigate to the right vendor category. Refer to Explore vendor use cases to learn more.

Deleting a vendor integration

Admins can also delete required vendor integrations. To delete an added vendor integration, follow the steps below:


Admins cannot delete warehouse vendor integrations if it is provisioned through 5X. Warehouse vendor integrations set up using BYOV can be deleted by Admins as required. Refer to BYOV Setup Guide to learn about BYOV vendor integration.

  • Type DELETE on the text box of the delete vendor pop-up and click Delete Vendor to confirm deleting the vendor integration permanently from your data platform

Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the deleting vendor action.

Last updated