Add Snowflake and 5X dbt Core to your Stack

Create a Snowflake Account

5X Provides you with a flexibility to import your own Snowflake account or Provision a new Account from 5X.

  1. Go to the integrations marketplace.

  2. Go to Data Warehouse

  3. Click on Add Vendor on Snowflake

  4. Select Provision from 5X

  5. Choose Standard Plan, AWS Cloud and US East and region. ( You can choose any depending on your preference)

  6. Click Continue and complete.

In case you don't want to provision a Snowflake account from 5X and have your own Snowflake account you can follow till step 3 and then choose BYOV as option. Then follow this tutorial.

Create a 5X dbt Core Account

  1. Go to the integrations marketplace.

  2. Go to Metrics Layer

  3. Click on Add Vendor on 5X Managed dbt Core

  4. Select Provision from 5X.

  5. Click Continue and Complete

Activate Snowflake and 5X dbt Core

Go to Platform and activate Snowflake and 5X dbt Core. You will receive an email with the Snowflake credentials with admin login. Keep it safe.

Last updated